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ALASKA. "L''Alaska Highway, derničre route de l'Occident (…) rampe glissante de prčs de 2 500 kilomčtres qui relie Dawson Creek ŕ Fairbanks (…) fut construit en seulement huit mois pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. En 1941, les États-Unis redoutaient une invasion des Japonais par le nord. La route, ouverte au public aprčs la guerre, est une sorte de 'gratte-ciel ŕ l'horizontale' qui nargue les lois naturelles du Grand Nord. (…) Ou, écrivait Jack London, 'personne ne parle, tout le monde pense.' Un précieux refuge contre cette vie moderne que les Alaskiens appellent avec humour la 'syphilisation'." LE MAGAZINE DU MONDE 28 OCTOBRE 2016
VENICE. "The Fondaco dei Tedeschi, one of Venice's most majestic Renaissance palazzos (…) once a trading center for German merchants, has undergone a multimillion-dollar restoration by OMA, the architecture firm of Rem Koolhaas, with interiors by Jamie Fobert. So what will it be now? A museum? A research facility? A modern art gallery? None of the above, though it is expected to be a major tourist destination. The Fondaco is being rechristened T Fondaco dei Tedeschi and turned into a 72,355-square-foot luxury emporium for the Hong Kong-based DFS Group. Yes, the duty-free retailer."
HAMBURG. "Un auditorio portentoso atraca en el puerto de Hamburgo. Hengelbrock dirige un programa audaz en el concierto inaugural del edificio de Hezog y De Meuron. El proyecto ha costado 789 miliones, diez veces más del presuposto inicial (…) la excelencia acústica de la sala (…) sus paredes son rugosas, con más de 10.000 paneles de fibra de yeso o piel blanca, diseńadas par Yasuhisa Toyota, responsabile del diseńo acustico"EL PAÍS 13 ENERO 2017
UGANDA. "Il ponte che salva la vita. Una passerella di pochi metri sospesa su un torrente costruita da Unher (…) segna il confine geografico tra Sud Sudan e Uganda per consentire il passaggio a chi passa di lě per fuggire alla guerra. (…) Di lŕ due ragazzi di forse diciott'anni delle milizie dei ribelli (…) di qua, l'esercito regolare ugandese (…) sul ponte il flusso di rifugiati č ogni giorno di circa duemila. (…) L'Uganda č un reale modello per il mondo con il suo milione di rifugiati per trenta milioni di abitanti. L'Italia, per esempio, ne riceve 170 mila per 60 milioni di abitanti." L'ESPRESSO 22 GENNAIO 2017
WINNIPEG. "The Canadian Museum for Human RIghts offers many opportunities of contemplation. (…) Video testimonials from survivors of the genocides in Ruanda, Ukraine and Bosnia aim to teach tolerance. Or one can think about how water flowing through its reflection pools comes from a lake on an aboriginal reserve where residents have not had safe drinking water for almost two decades. (…) The 266 million museum (...) has become a symbol of the contradictions between the nation's modern multicultural identity and what critics say is an unreconciled legacy of human rights violations against indigenous peoples that continue to this day." INTERNATIONAL NEW YORK TIMES OCT. 7 2016
EAST AFRICA. "In the 1970s, China anchored the constructions of the Tzara Railways linking Tanzania and Zambia (…) A little more than 40 years later (…), again with China helping hand, East Africa first modern electrical standardgauge railways (…) links Addis Ababa to the Red Sea port city of Djibuti." CHINA DAYLY OCT. 6 2016